Okay, what is Time to Talk Day all about? The first “Time to Talk Day” was held in 2014. It was launched by the campaign “Time to Change”, which aims to reduce stigma surrounding mental health issues.
Having experienced mental health stigma myself, I was keen to get fully on board with the campaign. (You can read a little more about my experiences in my earlier post “This Week” posted in October here https://talkingyorkie.wales/?p=18 )
Motivated by a desire to make a difference, in 2016 I signed up to train as a champion for Time to Change Wales. All the champions are volunteers with lived experience of mental health problems. Champions are at the heart of the campaign, challenging stigma in our own communities, campaigning in the media and sharing our stories.
In Wales, Time to Talk Day is run by Time to Change Wales, Adferiad and Mind Cymru, and in partnership with the Co-op.
The Time to Change Wales programme is funded by the Welsh Government.
Time to Talk Day is the nation’s biggest mental health conversation. This Time to Talk Day, we’re asking people to get comfortable talking about mental health. Text a friend, chat with a colleague over a cuppa, go for a walk with a loved one, share something on social media using our hashtag #TimeToTalk – there’s no right or wrong way to check in with someone on Time to Talk Day.
Start Talking About Mental Health. There are lots of ways you could start a conversation. You could have a chat alongside an activity, share a cuppa with a loved one or even text a mate to see how they’re doing. While there’s no right or wrong way to talk about mental health, our talking tips can help you have those all-important conversations.
Or perhaps you could write a blog post.
Have a great day 😊

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