January is probably my least favourite month of the year. The days are short. The nights are long. It’s cold. We’re all a bit skint and there’s not much going on.

Despite this, in every month of the year, I try to find something positive. January is all about new beginnings. Yes, I know the statistics about how New Year resolutions only last an average of 2 weeks before the old habits return, bla bla bla. I’m not talking about that. For the record, I do set goals at the start of every new year, and I am yet to achieve 100% success rate. But I have a direction and something to aim for. I have heard it said: aim for the stars and you will reach the treetops.

And as for these short days and long, dark nights, although it’s barely perceivable, each day we are gaining an extra 2 minutes of light. I hear the blackbirds singing at 6 o’clock in the morning, even though to me it is still as dark as midnight; we are reminded that spring is on its way.

Not having much money and few ‘events’ happening could be a bit depressing, but these also bring their blessings. They provide us with the opportunities, even the prompts, to get out there and enjoy things that don’t require planning or lots of money. It is in January that my husband and I most frequently wrap up, put our boots on and take a walk up to the trig point on Mynydd y Glyn or a refreshing walk along the costal path from Rest Bay to Ogmore by Sea (and back).

So, this January, perhaps you will join me in seeing the positives in the month. Have a great day… and Happy New Year.


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